“Best New Series” – Goodreads.com (2014)
What others are saying about Rachael L. McIntosh’s Security Through Absurdity series.
“More and more people are beginning to realize that things are going terribly wrong in our country. More and more people are beginning to understand that things are not as they are portrayed to be by politicians and the media. Future generations will owe Rachael McIntosh a debt of gratitude for pulling back the curtain to reveal how the world really works, and she does it in a most entertaining way. Once you start reading, you won’t be able to put the book down, and after you’ve finished reading, your perspective on the world will never be the same again.”
-The real life person behind the Security Through Absurdity character Sam Balentine who wishes to remain anonymous.
“McIntosh’s sparks-flying writing style propels Little Yellow Stickies as quickly as the intrigue itself, which could only be told by a defense-industry insider. Working Girl has met The Net, but the issues are too real-world to ignore.”
James Perloff — author of The Shadows of Power and Truth Is a Lonely Warrior
“A dark, sharp, laugh-out-loud at times depiction of the US defense industry in the late Nineties, and laden with the Generation X symbols of that era. Rachael L. McIntosh is one to watch!”
Charlie Flowers — author of the Rizwan Sabir Mysteries
“Rachael’s work is ringing too true and she needs to be very careful… very careful. We are beginning to see clearly that the body count is rising of those who got in the way of ‘the plan’. I can’t believe that I’m writing such a sentence, but there it is. It is clear that Rachael has her finger on the pulse. She is intelligent and articulate and a delight to listen to. We need her to continue the work she is doing. Reaching the people with such riveting fiction that rings the bells of truth is a brilliant way to wake up a sleepy society. Great work.”
-Charlotte Traplin
“I started reading this last night and simply couldn’t put it down. At 3AM I finally but begrudgingly crashed for the night. As soon as I got up today I tore back into the book and finished it. I’m ready for the next book and ticked that I have to wait. Some of the things mentioned in this book WILL make you go “Hmm, did that really happen or is it just for the sake of the story?” Every time I checked these little tidbits out I found them to be well grounded in reality. Making real world events an engaging part of the lead characters development was really cool.”
– Amazon Reviewer *****
“Security Through Absurdity: Little Yellow Stickies is one of those genre-breaking books that makes you glad you discovered it. Though not the type of book I typically read, Little Yellow Stickies has become one of my favorites, earning its place on the top row of my bookshelf. McIntosh’s writing style is clean and sharp and carries you through the story effortlessly, stopping only long enough to enjoy the scenery of a well-crafted story before moving on again. Stickies as a story is brilliant. With its factual based structure, eye for detail and accuracy it is sometimes difficult to tell where the fact leaves off and the fiction picks up the trail again.The main character in the book, Jocelyn McLaren, is witty and acerbic when she needs to be and compliant and efficient when the situation demands it as well; so much so that she even gets a promotion without actively seeking to do so. The world of defense contracting is a little-known one but the author brings it to light here very well. Be warned though, you’ll need to leave your conscience and your scruples at the main gate. All in all, Security Through Absurdity: Little Yellow Stickies: Book One is a great read and well worth the price of the contract. I have no difficulty whatsoever giving this book five well-earned stars.”
– Amazon Reviewer *****