Defense: The Spice Must Flow

As many of you know, I used to work for a defense contractor.  I was in the marketing department.  I know…who even thinks about making sales pitches and advertisements for a defense contractor?  But it’s a huge and lucrative business. Last year, private contractors accounted for 64 percent of all U.S. deaths in Afghanistan.  The US public will not and cannot know exactly where last year’s deceased are from because, shockingly, the U.S. Department of Labor “does not routinely track the nationality of workers injured or killed.” 

ContractorPoppyNow, as far as this photo goes, rest assured this guy is a contractor and yes, that’s a poppy field.

The US dollar is currently supported by lots of dark money.  Things like drugs, prostitution, and human trafficking (to name a few) are what is helping to power the US dollar at the moment.

I mention dark money in Security Through Absurdity – Book Three: The Big Show.  Dark money creates wealth for covert operations and stuff that has to stay out of general accounting and the prying eyes of the general public. Because, well, I guess someone thought it was of national importance that the regular people didn’t know…    Of course much of the world depends on USD to stay solvent.   And naturally there are some entities that would like nothing better than for the dollar to collapse.  So I can see why someone thought it was defiantly worth it for the world at large to have contractors and/or US military on site.  Especially if Americans want to keep buying their groceries.

As they say, “the spice must flow!”

Author: Rachael L. McIntosh

Rachael is an artist and author who formerly worked for a U.S. defense contractor. Since this job was crazier than fiction, Rachael turned to writing and fictionalized her experiences working for the defense contractor into the trilogy, Security Through Absurdity. You can connect with her on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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