Have You Got A Collectors Item?

I want to thank YOU and everyone who tuned into my interview on GCN’s the Power Hour with Joyce Riley Thursday.  What a great experience!  I’ve had more than one person contact me to tell me how much they enjoyed the interview and how impressed they were with the interviewer, Joyce Riley.   (Honestly, she’s a real pro.)

If you missed the interview, you can listen to the podcast here.

I have to apologize – well “apologize” might not be the right word here- but I need to let everyone who bought a hard cover copy of Little Yellow Stickies Thursday know that they may have a collector’s item.

If you bought the book on Amazon, look at the back, interior, cover flap – the one with the picture of my office at the defense contractor’s – there should be a year listed.  That year should NOT be 1997.  If your copy says 1997 then YOU HAVE A COLLECTOR’S ITEM!

The book was originally published by Iuniverse.  It is now published by Entropy Press (which is essentially me and some very cool and helpful people located in various parts of the US and the UK).  Since re-release, the old books are being purged out of the Amazon system.  Some of these old books are actually pirated copies.  The piracy issue compelled me to republish with a different publisher.

The other curious thing that made me want to publish this book myself is that the original publisher and Amazon were somehow not able to connect for sales during the whole month of September of last year.  I found that interesting.

StickiesOf course, the cover of Little Yellow Stickies has an illustration which includes a silhouette of the iconic World Trade towers.  And naturally, the text contains a pretty explicit overview of how it was inside a defense contracting office as the planes smacked into those towers on 9/11.

Part of me would like to believe that it’s some vast global conspiracy pitted against me and the book.  But I’m more of a realist.  I simply took the book away from the original publisher and published it myself.

I’m not sure how much (if any) money I will see from the hard cover sales on Amazon Thursday, but, I need to let everyone know that I am THRILLED that people are interested and reading this book.  It really should be listed as Contemporary New Journalism.  It’s already enjoyed temporary #1 positions on Amazon in the following categories:  Political Fiction, Contemporary Literature, Women’s Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense, Teen & Young Adult : Historical Fiction :21st Century United States.

HARDCOVERpostPowerHour 2015-07-23 at 4.45.51 PMThe Security Through Absurdity series is currently at #3 on GoodReads Best Debut Series of 2014.

Mostly, I’m super proud that the book is included in the RILINK public school library system in Rhode Island and Connecticut and is on summer reading lists for 11/12 graders.

Anyhow, if you were one of the lucky ones to have purchased a collector’s item, hard cover edition Thursday, CONGRATULATIONS!  Hang on to that.

((((pssstt….the date on the back cover flap is supposed to say 2007.))))

Author: Rachael L. McIntosh

Rachael is an artist and author who formerly worked for a U.S. defense contractor. Since this job was crazier than fiction, Rachael turned to writing and fictionalized her experiences working for the defense contractor into the trilogy, Security Through Absurdity. You can connect with her on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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